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Don't forget the Black and Whites!

My first love in photography was B&W printing. In my era, it was the cheapest thing you could do in the darkroom. So most young photographers started there. Now in the age of computers, labs costs are zero and color cost no more than B&W, so now most photographers seem to skip over converting any of their images to B&W. What a Shame! B&W offers a mood that color can not match. I am going to post a series of images from everything I do and try to show how B&W is something photographers should not forget to offer the client.

A couple came into the studio wanting a series of great maternity portraits. I set up a white background and a black background for the shoot. The couple wanted to celebrate the upcoming birth of their second child and wanted to include their first child in the some of the images. Small children can add a lot of excitement to a session. Their emotions are genuine and they are oblivious to the camera This is the first one that I had to convert to Black and White.

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